The title of this new post, is of course, called "How Men Can Help End Rape." It's not an original title, Feminists have been using that slogan since the first Toronto Slutwalks. Of course, it's only men that can help end rape, because as we all know - all men are rapists. It's a little too much to ask in this day and age, for women to take responsibility for their own safety. Why expect any accountability from the so-called "gentle sex" when men are too much of a convenient scapegoat for modern women's failures and insecurities. Glen writes:
Shame is what sexual predators rely on. Next to alcohol it’s their preferred WMD. What were you thinking, after all, being alone, dressing like that, drinking to much, trusting too much? You should have known better. You should have known what would happen. It’s the same approach pedophiles use when they tell their victims “we’re only doing what you want.”
I was invited to speak in Ottawa recently and share my thoughts on violence against women and the role men play. There are two things I’ve learned since my daughter, Rehtaeh Parsons, died last April and I began to speak at conferences and meetings. One, the audience will be almost all women, as it was in this case, and two, attempts to hurt and silence me suddenly appear when there’s anything mentioned about Rehtaeh online or in social media. She’s worm food because I’m a failure, according to one person’s post. If I don’t shut up I’ll join her, says another. Some choose words so disgusting I can’t bring myself to repeat them."So here right off the bat, Glen is setting the tone for the rest of his post. He's a victim. People are trying to silence and threaten him. The truth, as I already outlined in my previous post "A Response From Mr. Vengeance: Glen Canning's Dark Alter-Ego " Mr. Canning has a habit of seeking out critics that are skeptical of the official story the public was sold about his daughter's alleged "gang-rape." From changing stories, lack of evidence, and the dubious involvement of the group "Anonymous." There are plenty of solid reasons to doubt what we were being told. I remind the public, once again, that even though we were told matter-of-factly that Rehtaeh Parsons was "gang-raped," there have been two investigations by the RCMP. There still wasn't sufficient evidence to proceed with criminal rape charges. In the interest of charging the alleged rapists with something. The best the crown could do was charge two boys with making and distributing child pornography.
Glen continues:
You see, according to them, Rehtaeh didn’t die from being raped and bullied, she died because I’m a bad father. I knowingly let her smoke pot, drink vodka, and raised her to be flirtatious and promiscuous. Rehtaeh wasn’t raped because someone raised their sons to be a rapists, she was raped because her father raised her to be raped.
That's not what anybody claimed, you fucking scumbag. What was claimed was, due to the lack of evidence, there's reasonable doubt as to whether she was even raped at all. Remember, there had been two investigations. The reason why charges weren't laid the first time around was due to lack of evidence, Rehtaeh's changing stories, etc. There was even an eyewitness statement from a girl, who claimed Rehtaeh refused to leave the party, and was naked, flirting with the two boys (and not FOUR as we were constantly told). In fact, one of the boys that was previously identified by Anonymous as one of the "rapists," WASN'T EVEN AT THE FUCKING PARTY!
Glen continues:
Almost every time her name is mentioned in the news or in an article those anonymous posters show up with their fake usernames and who post all sorts of nonsense, innuendo, lies, misinformation and outright victim blaming. Rarely do they use real names and rarely are they women.
I’m not sure why some people feel a need to weight in on issues they know little or nothing about.As members of the public that were being fed the misinformation coming directly from you and Leah Parsons, they have every right to speculate and ask questions.
I reply if I can even though it’s almost always futile. Some people just have the wrong information while others are so out to lunch I’m left wondering if they’ve read anything about this story at all. Patrick Doran of the Edmonton Men’s Movement thinks I’ve been using a “victim-card” to silence critics in the “…years since Rehtaeh’s death.” It hasn’t been a year yet Patrick.
I try to not to get hooked. I honestly have bigger issues to deal with than a hand full of forgettable trolls. It’s the people who say nothing I want to reach, the people who are shocked by this story and don’t know, or don’t realize, they have a part to play. Men mainly. Not the ones trolling rape stories; I’m talking about the good ones. Men with hearts, families, compassion, decency, and a sense of virtue.You are so full of shit, Glen. It is you who seeks these critics out, and when you don't get your way, that's when "Mr. Vengeance" your dark alter-ego shows up to threaten and harass. The fact you threaten to use Anonymous, the fact you conspire with others to have their blogs hacked - all for expressing their opinions on a story that has been made public, due to the heavy-handed propaganda coming directly from you and Leah Parsons. We wouldn't be talking about this story if it wasn't for the fact you used social media to hype up your claims that your daughter was gang-raped and that the RCMP just wanted to cover it up... because they're mean? Even after a second investigation and all the public scrutiny, there's still no rape charges. What does THAT tell you, Glen?
We need to take an honest hard look at why we befriend rapists, why we believe them, allow them, tolerate them, and help them get away with the crimes they commit. We should be confronting them, exposing them, shunning them from our homes, families, teams, and places of employment. We need to use our voices to be a part of the solution and not let our silence continue to be part of the problem.
We need to take an honest look at why the public so easily accepts whatever they are told without any fact-checking. How much longer will we tolerate media whores like Glen Canning, who openly threaten people and have the nerve to play the victim? Who use self-important jerkoff moralfags like Anonymous as their personal troll army? Quit saying things I don't like, or I'll get Anonymous to hack your blog. How much longer will we tolerate Anonymous naming people as "rapists" who weren't even involved at all?
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